“Men of Power” is a ministry catering for men 18+ held monthly either with a fellowship BBQ Saturday morning brekky on campus or a Friday night restaurant dinner. For the next gathering information visit the EVENTS page.

KiDZ BiZ every Sunday morning
(except during school holidays) from 11:00am.
We believe that the ministry to our children is of paramount importance as the Gospel seeds of life are sown into these young lives through “KIDZ BIZ” at Sunday Children’s Church weekly from 10:30am and at Friday Junior Youth, weekly from 6:30pm. A church bus pick-up and drop-off service is available for both these events.
Classes are for ages 3 to 11 years and the young ones enjoy their own time of fun worship, videos and teaching in their break out classes for the different age groups. A pastor is always also on duty for Pastoral Care weekly.

The heartbeat Church Youth Group meets every Friday night at the Coffs Harbour heartbeat Church campus at 6:30pm for ages to 9 to 18 years.
The church bus starts a pick up for those needing transport from 6:00pm. Call the church office on 6652 6282 to book a ride.
Pastor Des oversees the group with assistance from Pastor Ben and Rick, who is a Leader in the church.
Coffs City Mission (Local Area Welfare Assistance)
Please visit the COFFS CITY MISSION page for more details on our free welfare assistance program.
overseas mission
heartbeat Church is contributing to help with education, medical and spiritual needs through our overseas mission programs. If you require prayer support or want to partner with us to invest in the Kingdom of God to help those in need please do not hesitate to contact our office on 02 6652 6282. Your giving helps thousands of people within the following ministries:
- Across the South Pacific through Foursquare Missions Aust.
- The Lighthouse Children’s Home at Chennai, India (providing schooling, medical centre, housing for orphans and the local community)
- Directly to our own heartbeat Church Malawi, Africa at Dzaleka Refugee Camp, Dowa Area in Malawi
- To Gofril Ministries: A Youth & Children Ministries providing food, education and housing in Malawi
- To assist Kim Goodwin’s S E Asian Ministry: Commissioned 2 Go/Yayasan Impact Indonesia: Kim Goodwin and her team in Borneo are working with lepers, the homeless and providing classroom schooling for children across many areas in this region of S E Asia.
Your guarantee! Every $ given to overseas missions is sent direct to the designated mission work of your own choice so in giving, be sure to designate exactly where you want your gift sent.