Lead Ministers - Pastors Lorelle & Wayne Magee
Wayne & Lorelle Magee have been in Christian ministry for over forty years. Wayne has served as the General Supervisor of the Church of the Foursquare Gospel Australia from 1998-2001. He was elected to the position of Australian Foursquare Church President in May 2004 and retired from that position in 2020. During his time as President, he also chaired the South Pacific Regional Council - Foursquare Churches and was one of the fifteen members of the Foursquare Missions International Global Council based in Los Angeles. Lorelle and Wayne have served in local church pastoral ministry positions at Coffs Harbour, Grafton, Sydney and Brisbane.
Lorelle served as Foursquare Australia Women’s President for eight years and produced annual denominational conferences for a fourteen year period. She continues to lead overseas’ group mission trips and oversees all pastoral care and ministry oversight within the local church.
Both Lorelle and Wayne have extensive ministry experience in deliverance of those in spiritual bondages, pastoral care, church administration and counselling to the broken- hearted. They have ministered extensively throughout Australia and in a number of overseas countries and both are sought after conference and seminar speakers. Each has a deep desire to see their homeland swept into the fullness of its destiny in God through restoration and revival.
Associate Pastors – Brian & Kay Eyre
Brian & Kay Eyre, former Lead Ministers at Bethel Christian Centre Coffs Harbour (now called heartbeat Church) have been in ministry for many years and have had a vast experience in education, administration, and pastoral care. Brian oversees the accounts departments for all areas of heartbeat Centre. Kay Eyre assists in the women’s and children’s ministry and is still active in teaching at Christian Community primary and high Schools in the area.
Associate Pastors – Desalegn & Ruth Kitila
Desu & Ruth are originally from Ethiopia, and came to Australia via Kenya as refugees, escaping from the civil unrest in their homeland. They have settled into their new home here and their three children are all in school. Desu and Ruth conduct a Connect Group and oversee the Monday prayer group. They both assist with pastoral care and minister powerfully to the members of heartbeat Church – Coffs Harbour.
Church Elders
Rick Madssen and Marcia Wrigley are true servants in the church family. Apart from their role in eldership supporting the pastors in ministry each also has an active role in the overall life of the fellowship. Rick oversees the men’s ministry and has pastoral oversight of junior youth, and Marcia is a vital part of the church intercessory prayer team.
Youth Leaders
Marko Kisose and Innocent Mbuto oversee the Junior Youth Group.
The Group meets every Friday night at the Coffs Harbour heartbeat campus at 6:30pm for ages to 9 to 13 years. The church bus starts a pick up for those needing transport from 6:00pm. Call the church office on 6652 6282 to book a ride
Morya Bahte heads up out Children’s Ministry – KiDZ BiZ every Sunday morning (except during school holidays) from 11:00am.
Classes are for ages 3 to 11 years and the young ones enjoy their own time of fun worship, videos and teaching in their break out classes for the different age groups. A pastor is always also on duty for Pastoral Care weekly.
During the 33 years in Swansea, Ernie also served for a number of years as a denominational Company Director of the Foursquare Gospel Church (Aust.) Board located in Sydney. He has also served as a Foursquare denominational Area Supervisor and a LIFE Bible College lecturer.
Eileen and Ernie have both taught SRE in schools, ministered in Fiji, Vanuatu , PNG , The Solomon Islands, the USA and South Africa. Diploma in Counselling from The Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors Pty Ltd.
They also pastored the Foursquare Church at Redcliffe for 8 years in Qld. Not content to sit back in their semi-retirement, for the past three years they have also been supporting a new pioneering church work in Newcastle.
Eileen Wing is also the daughter of Albert and Nellie Booth who were the first Foursquare Australian missionaries to go to PNG on 25th April 1957.
Eileen has also served as the SRE co-ordinator for the local Ministers Fraternal to Caves Beach, Swansea, Blacksmiths and Pelican Beach Schools and taught in these schools with teams twice weekly. She has also ministered at Women’s Aglow.